Last updated on: 1/30/2017 | Author:

Nov. 8, 1994 – California’s Proposition 187 Is Approved by Voters (and Later Rejected by US District Court)

“A U.S. District Court judge has declared most of California’s
Proposition 187 unconstitutional… Approved by voters in 1994 [Nov. 8,
1994], the proposition would have denied health care, education and
welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. Almost immediately, Judge
Mariana Pfaelzer granted its opponents’ request for a restraining order,
which prevented it from taking effect. In her final ruling, Pfaelzer
rejected California’s attempt to regulate immigration, which she said is
the federal government’s responsibility. Judge Pfaelzer’s ruling
strikes down portions of the initiative that would have required law
enforcement, teachers, social service and health care workers to verify a
person’s immigration status. Under Proposition 187, they would have had
to report illegals to authorities and to deny them social service,
health care and education benefits.”