
US Border Patrol Local 2544 union, according to an Apr. 18, 2005 WorldNet Daily online article titled "Border Patrol Union Supports Minutemen," stated:

“We want to make it clear – because we’ve had a lot of questions about this – we have not had one single complaint from a rank-and-file agent in this sector about the Minutemen…

Every report we’ve received indicates these people are very supportive of the rank-and-file agents; they’re courteous. Many of them are retired firefighters, cops, and other professionals, and they’re not causing us any problems whatsoever…

While President Bush entices millions of illegal aliens to keep coming with his amnesty proposals and his demoralizing statements that he doesn’t want Border Patrol agents chasing ‘good-hearted people just coming here to take jobs Americans won’t do,’ the Minutemen are trying to get our laws enforced.”

Apr. 18, 2005