
Mike Borkovich, Leelanau County (Michigan) Sheriff, in a Aug. 14, 2017 article, "Sherriff Borkovich Speaks on Immigration Enforcements, Cooperation with Feds," available at, stated:

“We will help all law enforcement agencies, federal, state, local or tribal, we will help them do their job. It’s called mutual aid or other agency assistance. For instance, when we had an individual building nerve gas [incident] in Suttons Bay and also building bombs, the FBI came to us, we would not have even known about it if it were not for the cooperation between the agencies. That saved major lives. That was a very, very serious incident and we cooperate back and forth. …

ICE is Immigration Customs Enforcement. They are sanctioned… [W]e assist FBI, ICE, we assist Canadian Royal Mounted Police.”

Aug. 14, 2017