
Charlie Beck, Los Angeles Police Chief, in a Feb. 22, 2012 article, "LAPD Chief Backs Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants," available at, stated:

“The reality is that all the things that we’ve done – ‘we’ being the state of California – over the last 14, 16 years have not reduced the problem one iota, haven’t reduced undocumented aliens driving without licenses. So we have to look at what we’re doing. When something doesn’t work over and over and over again, my view is that you should reexamine it to see if there is another way that makes more sense.

Why wouldn’t you want to put people through a rigorous testing process? Why wouldn’t you want to better identify people who are going to be here? It doesn’t make any sense to me. And we could increase safety on the roads. When you make things illegal you cause a lot of other things by chain reaction.”

Feb. 22, 2012